
Bimetal thermometer

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Earthquake-proof remote bimetallic thermometer

Earthquake-proof remote bimetallic thermometer not only meets the demand of on-site temperature mea

Earthquake-proof remote bimetallic thermometer not only meets the demand of on-site temperature measurement, but also can meet the demand of long-distance signal transmission (remote signal Pt100 signal, K type thermocouple, E type thermocouple, 4~20mA current signal output). Shock-resistant remote bimetallic thermometers can directly measure the temperature of liquids, vapors and gaseous media as well as solid surfaces in the range of -80 ℃ to +500℃ in various production processes. The seismic resistance bimetallic thermometer from the design principle and structure has waterproof, corrosion resistance, vibration resistance, intuitive reading, signal remote transmission, no mercury damage, strong and durable characteristics, seismic resistance bimetallic thermometer is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, machinery, ships, power generation, textile, printing and dyeing industry and scientific research departments.


1, with temperature probe small, high sensitivity, linear scale, long life and so on.

2, with a variety of remote transmission signal function and high-power switch signal and other functions

3, the structure of the same as the international similar products, can replace the import.

4, anti-earthquake (dial filled with silicone oil to achieve seismic effect)

5, the integrated axial type, radial type, universal type and other varieties are complete, suitable for various on-site installation needs.

6, dial material for stainless steel 304 sensor material 304, 316, stainless steel +PTFE for corrosion resistance type

Implementation standard

JB/T8803-1998 gb3836-83

Technical parameters:

1 Dial diameter: with the diameter of 100 150

2, temperature range: -80 ~ 500℃

3. Ambient temperature: -10 ~ 55℃

4, relative humidity: ≤ 95%

5, accuracy level: dial accuracy level 1.5 (remote signal Pt100 level A thermocouple level II 4~20mA signal 0.5%)

6. Time constant: ≤60S

7, the probe pressure: ≤6Mpa

8, probe diameter: φ8-10mm

9. Installation method:

Thread: (size according to user requirements, conventional M27*2 movable external thread)

Flange: According to customer requirements, the conventional DN25 PN1.6

10, output signal: thermal resistance PT100 (single, double output) thermocouple K type, E type or 4-20mA current output

11. Protection level: IP55

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