
Bimetal thermometer

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Remote bimetallic thermometer

The WTYY-1021 remote bimetallic thermometer can not only meet the requirements of on-site temperatu

The WTYY-1021 remote bimetallic thermometer can not only meet the requirements of on-site temperature measurement, but also meet the requirements of long-distance transmission. The remote bimetallic thermometer can directly measure the temperature of liquid, vapor, gas medium and solid surface in the range of -40 ~ +600℃ in various production processes.


1, with temperature probe small, high sensitivity, linear scale, long life and so on.

2, with far transmission resistance signal (PT100), shock resistance, corrosion resistance and high-power switch signal and other functions.

3, the structure of the same as the international similar products, can replace the import.

Technical parameters:

1, temperature range -40 ~ 600℃

2, the ambient temperature -10 ~ 55℃

3. Relative humidity ≤ 95%

4. Accuracy level 1.5

5. Time constant ≤60S

6, the probe withstand pressure ≤6Mpa

7, probe diameter :φ8-10mm, movable external thread :M27*2

8. Thermal resistance PT100 (single or double output) or 4-20mA current output

9. Protection level: IP55

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